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Michigan Thursday: Frankie Picks a New School

So, what are the odds that Frankie was talking to ASU while enrolled at Michigan? I would say pretty high. Because he picked a new school in less than a week.

Frankie has also circled 11/16 which is the Legends Classic in Brooklyn. The new schedule is not out yet but Michigan is playing in that tournament with VCU, ASU, and Pitt. So, there is a chance Michigan will play Frankie and Brandon Johns who is now at VCU. Good luck to them both besides that weekend.

Still looking for reasons why Frankie left? Here is some rare information from Phil Martelli and Mlive :

According to Michigan assistant Phil Martelli, who spoke to MLive on Monday, some of Collins’ family members would reach out to the coaching staff when Michigan got involved with other point guards, wondering how the additions (or potential additions) would affect Collins.