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Michigan football takes in the Mona Lisa during trip to Paris

Michigan QB Shea Patterson meets with reporters in Paris. Nick Baumgardner, Detroit Free Press

PARIS — "And now, here is the Mona Lisa."

With those words, Michigan's Louvre tour guide stepped aside and let everyone flock toward the one piece they all came to see. Or, at least the one piece they all knew.

It's not very big or imposing. But it's worth more than $600 million and it's arguably the most famous thing ever painted.

So, certainly worth the trip.

Michigan's venture to Paris hit its second day Saturday, as the Wolverines followed up a morning football clinic at INSEP, France's "National Institute of Sport, expertise, and performance" center on the east end of town, with a trip to the historic Louvre museum and a tour of both the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Latin Quarter.