EA Sports NCAA 2013 Does the Unthinkable (Video)

EA Sports has just committed one of the most gross and disappointing moves in video game history.  EA Sports has released a new trailer (below) highlighting a new feature to their NCAA 2013 football game in which you can play is past Heisman Trophy winners on ANY team.  This means that you can play as Desmond Howard on Ohio and you can put Eddie George in a Michigan uniform as well.

In what possible universe do I (and I hope all Michigan fans) want to see Desmond Howard in an Ohio uniform.  This is just completely and utterly wrong on so many levels.  I cannot imagine that any fan or booster of their university wants to see their college heros in another teams uniform.

So this begs the question, why add the feature? EA is probably trying to spark some controversy so that more people will by the game.  But seriously EA, leave tradition alone.  Keep our Heisman heroes on the rosters they belong to!!!

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