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Michigan State Basketball: Spartan Heroes enter to win The Basketball Tournament

Former MSU players enter to win The Basketball Tournament which has a grand prize of $2 million but first they need your help to get in.

First of all, what is The Basketball Tournament? From it's own site:

"The Basketball Tournament is an open-application, 5-on-5, single-elimination, winner-take-all basketball tournament. In 2014, the winning team took home $500K. In 2015, the winning team took home $1 million. In 2016, the winning team will take home $2 million.

This year a bunch of former Michigan State players have gotten together to form a team called the Spartan Heroes which includes Derrick Nix, Delvon Roe, Korie Lucious, Brandon Wood, Charlie Bell, Durrell Summers and Brandan Kearney so far.