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Judge: MSU coach Dantonio must sit for seven-hour deposition, with no questions off-limits

In sports terms, Mark Dantonio went .500 on Tuesday.

A federal judge in West Michigan ruled that the Michigan State head football coach can wait until after the season ends to be deposed by attorneys for a former staff member who's suing over wrongful termination.

But Dantonio also lost his bid to limit the length and scope of the deposition, the judge saying he must sit for seven hours and can be asked any questions.

That includes questions Dantonio's lawyers tried to make off-limits, specifically about the recruitment of star defensive lineman Auston Robertson — Blackwell said Dantonio was warned repeatedly about Robertson's troubles in high school, signed him anyway, and Robertson now is serving up to 10 years in prison for sexual assault — as well as the Larry Nassar scandal that rocked the university.