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Ibis vs. Osprey: 'Canes Hoops Wins Battle of the Birds 94-56

After a blowout win over the Western Carolina Catamounts, the 'Canes set their basketball fury on the North Florida Ospreys, hoping to vault to 2-0 on the young season. Dressed in elfin green, it was difficult to see anything less than a lopsided win for Miami Hurricanes basketball - and that's exactly what happened.

Early on it was Miami opening a 21-13 lead, with accurate sharpshooting from downtown by Davon Reed and Anthony Lawrence, some solid work by Kamari Murphy and some good passing from Ja'Quan Newton. While Newton is an explosive scorer, it's going to be his ability to pass and get his teammates involved if the 'Canes are going to compete for a spot in the upper half of the ACC.