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Flashback Friday: Games We Love – Miami 28, Oklahoma 16; 9/27/86

As we endure the long summer while waiting for the start of football season, State of the U will look back each Friday on a great game in Hurricane football history to get us pumped for the season. This week, we re-visit Miami's domination of the top-ranked Sooners in 1986. If there's a game you want us to re-visit, please feel free to include your request in the comments below.

The 80’s were just special, weren’t they?Cheesy – yet classic – movies.Big hair and power ballads.Super Mario Brothers. Reebok pumps.

And football.Oh yes, football.

Back when people could still have fun – when there was no social media and the world wasn’t getting painfully sensitive over behavior that could be irrationally construed as offensive – we had some fun, fun times in college football (I’m looking at you, back-flipping Horace Copeland and Randal Hill dancing in the Cotton Bowl tunnel).