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The Miami Heat get a win the hard way after Luka Doncic goes down

The Miami Heat came into Saturday’s game needing a win. It’s not that they had been desperate for wins by any stretch of the imagination, but after having their flawless home record broken up, getting a win to cement the fact that they are what they think they are would be crucial in the follow-up game to such a game of that proportion. If you are confused about exactly what that means, let us go into detail.

The Miami Heat were flawless at home, which means that they were obviously a pretty good team. This is because even though some would point to the opponents that they have faced on their home floor, to beat all and any teams that have come into your building considering the rigorous nature of an 82 game schedule and the fact that any team could be beaten on any night with such a large sample of games, to win all eleven contests on your home floor is rather impressive.