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Miami Heat 1-on-1: Time to trade Goran Dragic, before he declines?

Related Topics: Miami Heat, Trade, Allana Tachauer

Welcome to Miami Heat 1-on-1, a new series here at AllUCanHeat. Today, Ivan Mora and Allana Tachauer discuss Goran Dragic, and whether or not the Miami Heat would be wise to trade him now, before he starts to show wear and tear.

First thing’s first: how do you feel about Goran Dragic’s 2017-2018 campaign with the Miami Heat?

Ivan Mora (@ivanmora): I think it was a very successful year for the Dragon.

Regarding injuries, he actually had one of the best seasons yet, only missing six games. Dragic has slowly turned into Miami’s leader and in Dwyane Wade‘s absence, he took on that task head on and fully delivered.