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Dwyane Wade: Playing in frenzied Philly could create ‘the chills’ if Heat isn’t ready | Miami Herald

Dwyane Wade has played 81 road playoff games in his career and experienced the deafening sounds of cheers and boos inside 17 different arenas.

When it comes to pure noise, the 12-time All-Stars says, few gyms get louder than the one the Philadelphia 76ers call home. The Sixers have owned the NBA's best home record since Jan. 1, winning 23 of their last 25 at the Wells Fargo Center, the fifth-largest arena in terms of crowd capacity (20,328) in the NBA.

"I told the guys this is going to be a crazy crowd man,” said Wade, who is 1-1 in playoff games in Philadelphia and 14-12 all-time there counting the regular season and playoffs.