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The Splash Zone 8/31/17: The Plan For The Dolphins O-Line

It looks as though the Dolphins will use the plug-in-the-guard strategy this year as nobody is quite sure who will start at left guard. Ted Larsen was slated to be the starter until he tore his right bicep which led people to believe Kraig Urbik would start. Well, he got injured too. The spot is up for grabs between Anthony Steen and Jesse Davis, two underwhelming prospects.

You can check out that story here, and the rest of the day's round-up below.

The Miami Dolphins’ plan for OL heading into the final preseason game and roster cuts | Miami Herald
u2606Fifth in a series

Adam Gase

Dolphins' Gase is a late-to-bed, late-to-rise coach | Miami Herald
Most NFL coaches get in before the paper arrives.