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Rethinking the Conventional Wisdom of the NFL Draft, Part 2: Is Jimmy Johnson's Draft Day Chart Still Relevant?

Let's see if the Extenze spokesperson's infamous NFL Draft chart is still erect with utility.

Talk about being stiff, look at that hair. My goodness. Blustery conditions? Mwahahaha, pfffft, whatever. Those silver threads could endure winter in Antarctica. Jimmy Johnson's got more hair product hidden away in his panic room than most of us will ever use in our life. But back in the 1980's as Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys, he did something slightly more useful than inspire Derek Zoolander's roommate Meekus to revere styling gel. Some described it as revolutionary at the time and it has been a foundation for all NFL Draft trade talks since its inception: he created a chart that ascribed point values to each of the picks in the NFL Draft, from #1 to Mr.