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Miami Dolphins kicker Andrew Franks confident heading into third season

When someone with a degree in biomedical engineering from Rensselaer Polytech Institute, one of the more prestigious universities in the nation talks, people.. well.. they probably yawn.

“Biomechanically, you want more lean on the ball to get more height on the ball so you can get more torque through it,” explains Miami Dolphins kicker Andrew Franks “Force equals mass times acceleration. The bigger your legs are and the more speed you have, the farther the ball’s going to go.”

Uh, yeah, whatever you say, buddy.

Franks had no intention of playing in the NFL while he was studying for his degree, but after meeting a former journeyman NFL kicker (Justin Medlock), and realizing his kicks went just as far, he put together a YouTube video of highlights, and posted it hoping that a special teams coach might notice.