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Can the Dolphins finally find their tight end answer?

Julius Thomas. Dion Sims. Jordan Cameron. Charles Clay. Michael Egnew. Anthony Fasano. Mickey Shuler. Joey Haynos. David Martin. Ernest Wilford. Justin Peelle. Aaron Halterman. Randy McMichael.

2006. Randy McMichael. That is what ends the sampling of tight ends that have played for the Dolphins in their continuing search for...well...another Randy McMichael. McMichael caught 62 passes for 640 yards with three touchdowns that season.

For some references of just how long ago that season was: Nick Saban was just starting to tell Dolphins fans how he was not going to be the next Alabama head coach; Wes Welker caught 67 passes for 687 yards with one touchdown for Miami; Daunte Culpepper, Joey Harrington, and Cleo Lemon split the starting duties at quarterback that season; Zach Thomas led the team with 165 tackles, followed by Channing Crowder with 103 and Renaldo Hill with 86; the late Wayne Huizenga owned the team; the 1-15 season was still a year away; Jake Long was still two Drafts away; and, the Dolphins played in Dolphin Stadium.