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Virtual Reality set to become the future of professional football training

Virtual Reality could be the future of professional football training, with both Premier League and Women’s Super League clubs using new software to practise heading in order to reduce the risk of long-term brain injuries.

Rezzil’s Player 22 offers a contact-free method of training, with players able to replicate and develop heading technique without the concussive impacts of a regular football.

Manchester United Women have been using Rezzil’s software and VR could be even more beneficial for female footballers, who may be at a greater risk of dementia than men.

Virtual Reality could be the future of training, with Premier League and Womenu00bfs Super League clubs using new software to practise heading in order to reduce the risk of brain injuries

Research conducted by Manchester Metropolitan University shows women are twice as likely to suffer concussion than men and also take longer to recover, backing up earlier findings by the University of Glasgow.