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Sir Alex Ferguson SNUBBED at Wembley as legendary Manchester United manager is turned away from VIP parking ahead of Scotland's Euro 2020 clash with England

Sir Alex Ferguson is among the great and the good in attendance at Wembley for England vs Scotland this evening but was denied VIP parking.

The legendary Manchester United manager made the trip to support Steve Clarke's men but was snubbed when refused access to the VIP parking after a four-hour chauffeur-driven ride.

It would be expected for the red carpet to be rolled out for one of the greatest managers in history but a steward directed him away.

Sir Alex Ferguson was directed away from the VIP parking area at Wembley upon arrival
The legendary Scottish manager was redirected having arrived four hours before kick off

The legendary Scottish manager was redirected having arrived four hours before kick off

Ferguson will be hoping the rest of the evening is more positive after an inauspicious start.