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PETE JENSON: Real Madrid fans feel Sergio Ramos put HIMSELF before the club and will wonder why their leader who once said he'd play for them 'for FREE' has had a change of heart... he'll forever be a legend but his reputation will never quite be the same

So much of Real Madrid and Spain's recent glory came with Sergio Ramos centre stage so it's no surprise the club's supporters are taking the 35-year-old's departure badly. But much of the upset is directed at the player himself for not agreeing a one-year deal with a 10 percent pay cut.

'Club before player, even if when it's Ramos' was the over-riding sentiment as the Madrid captain prepared to give his goodbye press conference today.

It has not been forgotten that it was only two years ago that he said: 'I would play for the club for free' in a press conference he requested to explain his decision to stay at the club despite mooted interest from China.