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Olympic podium is no place for cheats, all bans should be four years - MARTIN SAMUEL

Bring back The Debate: this abridged version is not meaty enough. Tunes by The Fall are always welcome, though. Mr Kevin, London.

Can’t happen for now, Kevin. I’m sorry. As I explained last week it had expanded exponentially, which was probably my fault for trying to keep too many people happy and answer too many posts.

If I’m getting out to interview Steve Bruce, Wayne Rooney, Slaven Bilic (that last one coming soon) as I have done recently, there just isn’t the time anymore.

Lizzie Armitstead in action during the women's road race on the second day of Rio 2016
Lizzie Armitstead in action during the women's road race on the second day of Rio 2016

But even this abridged version is still roughly the length of my newspaper column so – five points, five posts, five topics, five replies – I am still trying to give you meat.