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MARTIN SAMUEL: Gordon Taylor's out of date but he will be a hard act to follow... the outbound PFA chief carried his members and always operated from a position of strength, but who will Maheta Molango carry?

In this, of all weeks, it may seem strange to argue that Gordon Taylor could be missed. He was, after all, alone among football's administrators in occupying his existing position when the Dispatches documentary, Soccer's Foul Play, aired in 1997.

Others, such as Football Association chief executive Mark Bullingham, have been left to apologise for the failures of previous regimes, but Taylor had been at the helm of the Professional Footballers Association close on 20 years when journalist Deborah Davies highlighted the crimes of Barry Bennell, and suggested predators were stalking football. 'I wasn't aware of any serious commitment by Taylor to investigate,' Davies recalled recently.