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Manchester United top football money table as Premier League clubs achieve record revenues for 2015-16... but post pre-tax losses, Deloitte figures reveal

Premier League clubs achieved record revenues for the 2015-16 season but posted overall pre-tax losses, figures released by Deloitte reveal.

Revenues increased to £3.6billion, up £0.2billion from the previous campaign, with Manchester United and Manchester City responsible for more than half of the rise.

United's revenue grew to £515million, which saw them top the Deloitte Football Money League for the first time since 2003-04 as the world's highest revenue-generating club.

Premier League clubs achieve record revenues, with Manchester United and City responsible for more than half of the rise
Premier League clubs achieve record revenues, with Manchester United and City responsible for more than half of the rise

The combined operating profits of the 20 clubs remained stable at £0.