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Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho kicks water bottle in anger during win over Crystal Palace: 'It was empty and was basic frustration'

Jose Mourinho will be hoping he avoids a ban after he kicked a water bottle in frustration during his side's comeback win over Crystal Palace.

The Portuguese tactician — who was forced to serve a one-match ban after kicking a bottle against West Ham last season — briefly lost his temper before raising his hands to apologise for his mistake.

Mourinho played down the incident after his side's eventual 3-2 win as he claimed it was different to last season's blunder as he was not showing his frustration towards the match officials.

Jose Mourinho kicks a water bottle in frustration during his side's 3-2 win over Crystal Palace
Jose Mourinho kicks a water bottle in frustration during his side's 3-2 win over Crystal Palace
The Manchester United boss puts his hands on his head to apologise for his mistake
The Manchester United boss puts his hands on his head to apologise for his mistake
Mourinho shares a joke with Crystal Palace fans after his moment of madness on Monday
Mourinho shares a joke with Crystal Palace fans after his moment of madness on Monday

Speaking to Sky Sports after the Selhurst Park encounter, Mourinho said: 'It was empty.