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'It made me feel a bit guilty': Luke Chadwick admits he felt sorry for Nick Hancock after former 'They Think It's All Over' presenter apologised to ex-Manchester United player for taunts

Luke Chadwick admits he felt sorry for Nick Hancock after the former presenter apologised for his appearance taunts on gameshow They Think It's All Over.

Last week, former Man Utd player Chadwick opened up about how the jibes at his expense, which focused on his looks, obliterated his already fragile confidence as a youngster.

Former presenter of the show Hancock publicly apologised to Chadwick, as did Gary Lineker who also appeared on the show, and while Chadwick did accept their apologies, he now admits it wasn't something he was specifically searching for.

Luke Chadwick forgives the TV celebrities who tormented him about his looks as a footballer
Nick Hancock said he was 'appalled' at himself for the taunts he made on the show

'It made me feel a little bit guilty,' Chadwick told The Guardian.