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Emotional Vernon Kay hugs his parents as he COMPLETES 115-mile Ultramarathon for Children In Need raising £4MILLION after receiving a special message from wife Tess Daly

Related Topics: Vernon Kay, Tess Daly, Zoë Ball

Vernon Kay wiped away tears as he completed the final day of his 115 mile Ultramarathon challenge - raising more than £4million for Children In Need.

The TV presenter, 49, was greeted by his mum Gladys and dad Norman at Toughsheet Community Stadium in Bolton as they wrapped their arms around him.

Vernon was welcomed into the stadium by roaring cheers from crowds, as the moment was recorded live for Zoe Ball's BBC radio show.

The father-of-two soon spotted his parents in the crowd and rushed over to give them a hug as they emotionally reunited after the run.