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Checkatrade aim cheeky dig at Man United's 'leaky roof' with huge poster outside Old Trafford... as they joke they cannot fix the club's 'leaky defence'

Checkatrade have taken aim at Old Trafford's 'leaky roof' in a massive poster right outside Manchester United's iconic football stadium.

The Old Trafford roof has become a major issue in recent months, with fans getting soaked by rain during United's defeat by Crystal Palace earlier this season.

Gary Neville has fiercely criticised the Glazer family for allowing the stadium to decay during their tenure, often using it as a key example for why the Red Devils have fallen so far behind their rivals.

Now Checkatrade, who are famous for getting homeowners in touch with tradespeople for any domestic concerns, have got in on the act, and even took the time to hit out at United's struggles on the pitch this term.