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Boxing Day 1963 saw 66 goals in 10 games, including Manchester United losing 6-1 to Burnley and Fulham scoring 10!

The Boxing Day fixtures have always been a favourite time for football fans, with a full set of fixtures to entertain supporters over the Christmas period.

But no year has been quite as entertaining as 1963, when the festive fixtures served up a remarkable 66 goals.

Not only did the 10 top-flight games in that season not produce a single goal-less draw, but only two sides in the entire division failed to score.

West Ham goalkeeper Jim Standen trudges away as he conceded eight against Blackburn
West Ham goalkeeper Jim Standen trudges away as he conceded eight against Blackburn
Andy Lochhead (right) scored four for Burnley as they thrashed Manchester United 6-1
Andy Lochhead (right) scored four for Burnley as they thrashed Manchester United 6-1

There were big wins for Chelsea (5-1 away at Blackpool), Burnley (6-1 at home to Manchester United thanks to four goals from Andy Lochhead), and Liverpool (6-1 at home to Stoke, with Roger Hunt also scoring four) but they pale into insignificance next to some of the crazier scores of the day.