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MARTIN SAMUEL: All integrity is lost when sport becomes a cynical game of looking for loopholes... PLUS, Pep and Haaland will one day leave City and their dominance will pass - and maybe Neville and Qatar will be a perfect fit!

And now a brief word from Eddie Hearn. 'What is the point in signing up for drug testing if, when you fail, everyone goes, "Oh don't worry about it, just let him fight"? The argument of, "Well, it's all right with UKAD", is totally irrelevant. You've signed for drug testing with VADA - the best testing agency, in my opinion, in the sport.'

And he's right, of course he's right. But that's the problem with talking, isn't it? Some people listen to what you say. Others document it.

A few even remember it. And Hearn talks, a lot.