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Mario Balotelli 'unharmed' after the former Man City star suffers a serious car crash in Brescia

Mario Balotelli lost control of the car and went off the road. Former Manchester City player experienced moments of fear and, for reasons yet to be ascertained, was involved in a bad road accident in which his car was destroyed.

According to "Fatto Quotidiano" the accident occurred in via Orzinuovi, in Brescia, Balotelli's hometown, around 8.30pm.

The Adana Demirspor center forward, injured and therefore the protagonist of a moment of relaxation away from Turkey, is unharmed and appears to have staggered out of the cockpit of his car.

According to the reconstruction of "Fatto Quotidiano", all the airbags in the car exploded: a very disturbing fact because it testifies to the violent force of the impact.