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The Ultimate Tailgate Bracket CHAMPIONSHIP: Jambalaya vs. Boudin

And now we’ve reached the final curtain. Who will be crowned the ultimate tailgating delicacies?

After nearly a month of competition and 64 dishes spread out over four regions of tailgating fare, we have reached the championship of the Ultimate Tailgating Bracket: the No. 1 seed of the Black Pot Region, Jambalaya, versus the No. 4 seed of the Barbecue & Grilling Region, Boudin.

I always suspected that jambalaya would be here. We never officially crowned anything the No. 1 overall seed, but it always made the most sense for that spot. I mean if you surveyed any of the dozens of black pot cookers on any given gameday at LSU, I'd be willing to bet at least half of them are cooking jambalaya.