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Playin’ Nice: For Whom the Cowbell Tolls

Well folks, it’s game week.

Saturday LSU begins its 2019 national title defense, and the first team to get a crack at the champs are the Mississippi State Bulldogs led by...

Sea Captain from The Simpsons voice

YAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH it’s Mike Leach the Pirate here to bring the air raid offense to the treacherous waters of the SEC!!!

Anyway, here to preview the Bulldogs is For Whom the Cowbell Tolls managing editor Landon Young. You can find Landon on the twitter @96ForeverYoung and FWTCT can be found @mstatesports.

1. Can the Mike Leach, air raid offense actually work in the SEC or will the higher level of competition catch up to Leach’s scheme?