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Everything We’ve Cooked at the Tailgate This Year

Related Topics: Zach Rau

If you’ve been hanging around with us on Twitter for a while, you probably know that with the rise of DVA Tailgating and Zach Rau getting a smoker for Christmas meant that the calling card of our tailgate was barbecue, namely pulled pork.

But the menu got unwieldy and ultimately called for too much stress for our head chef to really enjoy the day, so after COVID we started to diversify the menu in an attempt to simplify it. And as a result, we’ve cooked a lot of different and exciting stuff this year. It wouldn’t be fair to rank them because I didn’t cook them, also I’m way less critical of Zach’s cooking than he is (unless he forgets to season jambalaya completely) so instead I’m just going to list our why each menu item works.