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And the Valley Cooks: The Chinese Bandit

Related Topics: Han Chinese, Valley, Sugar, Cocktail

A concerted effort of ATVS offseason conditioning has been to develop our cocktail game for the upcoming season. As we all know, man (/woman) does not drink on beer alone.

Sure, bourbon is fantastic on its own. But variety is the spice of life, and we all need a little change-up every now and again.

Hence, friend of the site and twitter raconteur @Blanx tossed out a suggestion involving rye whiskey and a simple syrup infused with some Asian flare and a name that fits LSU like a glove.

After some experimentation, we came up with a solution:

12 cup sugar
12 cup water
1 T Chinese Five-Spice
5 star anise

2 oz Bourbon

12 oz spiced simple syrup

Making simple syrup is pretty easy — just add sugar to water into a sauce pan, heat until the mixture boils and the sugar is completely dissolved.