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SGA candidates debate, push platforms’ message

By Kyeland Jackson —

Student Government Association top four candidates answered questions, outlining their election plans and pushing for votes in a debate Wednesday.

Students packed the Chao auditorium as candidates for SGA’s student body president, executive vice president, academic vice president and services vice president. The debate preludes SGA elections starting Feb. 27.

Student body president

Zoe Barron
Zoe Barron
Keith Auspland
Keith Auspland
Jonas Bastien
Jonas Bastien
Vishnu Tirumala
Vishnu Tirumala
X'Zashea Lawson-Mayes
X’Zashea Lawson-Mayes
Georgie Sook
Georgie Sook

All SGA presidential candidates, except Abdul Hasib, attended the debate, answering questions on U of L’s upcoming presidential search, ability to handle their nominated job, higher education and President Donald Trump’s immigration orders’ effect on students.