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FD President Has 55% Positive Rating For socialist Votes

after the yellow card in July the red card in November The prime minister is for the first time with a negative balance in the assessment of the Portuguese according to the Aximage barometer for DN JN and TSF Unlike what happened in the summer the disappointment does not extend to the President of the Republic who if he was already the most popular is also the only political leader with a positive image among the Portuguese

The signs are not the best for António Costa when the date for the early legislative elections is already set 30 January It is true that voting intentions in the PS remain high 385 but the assessment that the Portuguese make of the head of government suffered another shock After the fourth wave of the pandemic the explanation for the damage now lies in the lead to the State Budget and the consequent political crisis

The prime minister enjoyed just over six months ago a positive balance of 40 percentage points difference between positive and negative assessments In May that advantage dropped to 23 points In July it was reduced to a mere six points And now it goes to a negative balance of two points with 39 of respondents giving a negative score against 37 of positive evaluations.