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Peyton Manning visited Miami to tutor Ryan Tannehill (Shutdown Corner)

Peyton Manning is fast becoming the NFL's Boba Fett, rarely seen but immensely popular nonetheless. And now comes a report that the ex-QB-for-hire visited the Miami Dolphins ... not to audition for a job, but to tutor the guy who's already got the gig.

Manning visited the new home of his old offensive coordinator Adam Gase to give Dolphins QB Ryan Tannehill some tips on how to work in a Gase offense.

"A guy that had his career, the living legend he is, coming off a Super Bowl winning season," Tannehill told the Miami Herald, "it was really cool just to be able to sit and pick his brain about things he's done in this offense and football things in general: snap counts, things you like, the way you want guys to run routes, little details about the game.