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There is mounting evidence that Kendrick Nunn is getting close to returning

Over the last week, there have been more and more indications that Kendrick Nunn is getting closer and closer to making his regular season debut for the Lakers after missing the entire season so far with a bone bruise in his right knee.

For one thing, head coach Frank Vogel literally said on Monday that Nunn was “getting closer” to making his return to the floor, and followed that up on Tuesday by saying that Nunn would be getting “a ton of minutes” to get acclimated when he does return.

For a player that the team had previously ruled out for all of 2021 and only continuously said was “a ways away,” hearing Vogel’s increasingly optimistic tone and seeing that Nunn has begun shooting publicly during the team’s pregame workouts felt like a notable departure — and forward progress for a player who has been reportedly targeting a January return.