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Lakers: Hotline Bling Parody ‘Hotline Byron’ Hits the Internet (VIDEO)

Lakers rookie, D’Angelo Russell, got the ball rolling Wednesday morning when he released a Kobe Bryant impersonation video and the internet’s next target is struggling coach Byron Scott.

YouTube user, Nick Angstadt, released his parody of Drake’s “Hotline Bling,” entitled “Hotline Byron” on Wednesday.

Sung to the tune of “Hotline Bling”:

Byron stopped answering his cell phone
You’d think he would cause I’m his boss
Stopped answering his cell phone
Right after the Philly loss

Written from the perspective of Lakers’ general manager Mitch Kupchak, the parody revolves around the idea that Byron Scott is avoiding Kupchak’s calls because, “it can only mean one thing,” the end of Byron Scott.