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Appreciating Pau Gasol, one year since he left the Lakers

A year removed from Pau Gasol's departure from Los Angeles, it feels like the reasons to appreciate the Spaniard's tenure with the Lakers have only grown

With averages of over 25 points and nearly 9 rebounds per game, Pau Gasol ripped through the EuroBasket Tournament, bringing an aging Spanish National Team to yet another medal finish. The 35-year-old, with longtime teammates Rudy Fernandez and Felipe Reyes, guided their squad to their third title in four tournaments, adding yet another crown jewel to the golden age of Spanish basketball.

His brother Marc Gasol, point guard Jose Calderon and sharpshooter Juan Carlos Navarro all missed the championship tourney, leaving the bulk of the scoring and playmaking responsibilities to the five-time All-Star big man.