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Reign Practice Quotes: Kurtis MacDermid, Jordan Samuels-Thomas, Mike Stothers, Jonny Brodzinski & Michael Mersch

Related Topics: Mike Stothers

MacDermid deals with San Diego's ire, Samuels-Thomas gets deeper about penalty killing/dump-ins, Stothers learns how good Ontario is on 3+ days rest & Brodzinski talks playing Michael in postseason

Jewels from the Crown: When you were drafted as a 5'10" 149-pounder in the 7th round of the 2010 OHL Draft, did you have the same hard-nosed style of game as you do now?

Kurtis MacDermid: Yeah, I'd say so. It just runs in the family, so I always had that edge. I knew I was going to have to work hard if I was going to get up every level.