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Dwayne De Rosario says Greg Vanney is ‘great addition’ to LA Galaxy

Dwayne De Rosario and Greg Vanney have considerable history in MLS.

First, they were on opposite sides of the California Clasico, De Rosario’s San Jose Earthquakes squaring off against Vanney’s LA Galaxy when both were players, and sometimes literally, as this photo indicates.

Earthquakes v Galaxy X

Eventually, the duo ended up on the same team, with Vanney taking over as Toronto FC head coach in 2014, while De Rosario was wrapping up his playing career.

LAG Confidential caught up with De Rosario last month, the man busy as ever between raising his family in Toronto, running an academy, a foundation, launching a line of DeRo 14 Headphones with a portion of the proceeds earmarked for his foundation, and publishing a memoir — DeRo: My Life — that will be released this spring.