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Where’s Mookie?

My grandkids enjoy playing “Where’s Waldo” That is until they don’t. You see, while you think it would be easy finding a nerdy-looking bespeckled man, dressed in a bold red and white striped shirt, wearing a red and white beany, the artist has made a career out of crafting immense visual puzzles, complete with mammoth oceans of people, spiraling buildings, and mythical beasts that make spotting the elusive Waldo an exercise in patience and frustration, even for the most eagleu2011eyed fans. This how I’m beginning to feel about the trade with the Redsux. Where is Mookie????

This past week there has been so much written about the on, off, on-again, off-again trade, non-trade between the Dodgers, RedSux and Twins, much of it well articulated on this blog, that I’m hesitant to throw my two cents in, but, oh well, I had to write about something, so for spits and giggles, I thought why not.