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What Can We Reasonably Expect From Clayton Kershaw?

There’s nothing that gets Dodger fans dander up more than theKoufax Verses Kershaw Argument.Sandy Koufax pitched for the Dodgers for 12 years, while Clayton is entering his 12th season. Let’s look at their average seasons based over their 12 and 11 year careers:

  • Sandy Koufax:
    16 Wins 8 Losses; 2.76 ERA; 1.106 WHIP; 9.3 K per 9 innings; 3.2 BB per 9 innings
  • Clayton Kershaw: 16 Wins 7 Losses; 2.39 ERA; 1.005 WHIP; 9.8 K per 9 innings; 2.3 BB per 9 innings

Them’s the facts.