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Three up, three down: Could there be a second round of Mannywood? Are the Indians invisible?

Mannywood, the sequel? It was 10 years ago that the Dodgers traded for Manny Ramirez, but “inherited” might be the better verb, since the Red Sox so desperately wanted to dump him that they paid off his entire contract. The deal worked out great that year, with Ramirez hitting .396 with 17 home runs in two months, and charming Times columnist T.J. Simers by inviting him to sit in his lap. The best player expected to be traded this July, Orioles shortstop Manny Machado, could have a similar effect -- at bat, not in Dylan Hernandez’s lap -- but the Dodgers’ business plan frowns upon trading elite prospects even to get a player of Machado’s stature, particularly when the player is two months from free agency.