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Dodgers News: Cody Bellinger Enjoys Exuberance Yasiel Puig Plays With, Even If It Means More ‘Crotch Chops’

Yasiel Puig has played with a level of flare and excitement ever since making his MLB debut with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2013. As seasons passed, his temperament and actions on the field steadily wore on his opponents and at times, teammates as well.

With some maturation on his part, Puig has better harnessed the passion with which he plays to have it reveal itself as more joyful enthusiasm than looking to disrespect anyone. However, he’s brushed up against the line some since the 2017 season when a ‘crotch chop’ has seemingly become a favorite celebration.

Hailing from the wrestling world, the celebration is one that’s both caused the Dodgers dugout to erupt in laughter and fans of opposing teams to jeer Puig more than they already did.