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Blog Kiosk: 7/24/2019 - Dodgers Links - Some Odds and Ends

That was a thrilling game... And sure, we didn't come out on top this time, but you gotta admit that there is no better way for a game to end. Some people like their walk-offs -- I'll take a game-ending play at the plate anytime. Per Ken Gurnick at

“To be honest, it wasn’t really close,” said Bellinger. “Calhoun threw the ball real hard and accurate. I was out by a lot.”
Hernandez said he knew he hit the ball hard enough that Calhoun might have difficulty fielding it cleanly.
“I knew he might misplay it, and in a way he did, but the ball got to him so quick, he had a chance to set his feet and make a strong throw,” said Hernandez.