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Miller: Clippers still must prove they won't crumble before we forget Jordan's a flake

LOS ANGELES – There they were again Tuesday, the optimism so abundant this time that it filled two rows of chairs, these Clippers gathered on stage looking not unlike a TV special reuniting the cast of “Friends.”

Seven players and Doc Rivers, each holding a microphone and perched comfortably on a stool, while the possibilities that swirled about were plentiful enough to be subjected to standing-room only.

As I sat there listening to how well the team’s new pieces surely will fit together, how so many of these guys were willing to take less for the promise of winning more, how – this coming season, certainly – “something special” seems inevitable, I kept thinking one thing:

At some point, the Clippers are bound to have an in-season worthy of all the feel-good they generate in the offseason.