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Los Angeles Clippers fall in double overtime to Nets

NEW YORK >> Paul Pierce was sprawled out on the court Monday night in Brooklyn, his age never more apparent than after his 39-year-old body failed him on a two-handed dunk attempt.

With the Clipper veteran down, Chris Paul raced over, not to help him up, but to perform mock chest compressions while the two players laughed.

There were no smiles two quarters and two overtimes later, though, with the Clippers stunned and exhuasted, losers 127-122, and serching for someone or something to resuscitate them on this roadtrip.

It’s the Clippers third-straight loss.

Sean Kilpatrick, a player who was collecting NBA checks 10 days at a time a year ago, iced the game with a driving basket and a free throw in the second overtime.