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Clippers Top Tweets – Week One

Hello old and new members of Clipper Nation! This is the first in a season-long weekly series paying homage to Clippers Twitter. At the end of each week we will be highlighting some of the best tweets of the week regarding your Los Angeles Clippers, including fan tweets!

Before we get to this week’s tweets, please give the Clippers’ players and your Clips Nation writers a follow. This is one season where you absolutely do not want to miss out on the action (and by action, I mostly mean the highly entertaining social media smack-talking).


  1. Kawahi Leonard: @kawhileonard


  1. Clips Nation: @ClipsNationSBN
  2. Ken Armstrong: @gt17ken
  3. Davey Bales: @dbales11
  4. Shapan Debnath: None
  5. Robert Flom: @RichHomieFlom
  6. Lucas Hann: @LucasJHann
  7. Caden Kinard: @cadenkinard
  8. Sabreena Merchant: @sabreenajm
  9. Chris Murch: @NigelRoxbury
  10. Eric Patten: @EricPatten
  11. Taylor Smith: @TaylorBojangles
  12. Michelle Uzeta: @michelleuzeta
  13. Thomas Wood: @NotCatPictures

Now (drumroll please.