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Clippers and Bumble Advance Empowerment Program For Workplace Equality

Los Angeles, CA – The L.A. Clippers and Bumble have launched a joint Empowerment Program to advance workplace equality. The partnership, which is rooted in the two organizations’ shared principles of gender equality and displayed on Clippers uniforms via the Empowerment Badge, was first announced in March 2018. The empowerment program now includes networking meetups and a content series that shines a spotlight on women Clippers executives. The Clippers are also using Bumble Bizz to source candidates for upcoming summer internships and will hire applicants for positions across the Clippers’ business office this summer.

“Together, we are thrilled to leverage our passionate fan followings to encourage the shared values of diversity, gender equality and equal opportunity,“ said Alex Williamson, chief brand officer at Bumble.