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2016 Clippers Exit Interviews: Jeff Ayres

The exit interview series continues with journeyman Jeff Ayres, a reserve big man.

Age: 29

Key Stats: 17 games played, 6.3 minutes per game: 1.8 points per game and 1.3 rebounds per game on 52% shooting (10.1 and 7.4 per 36 minutes)

Years in NBA: 7

2015-2016 NBA Salary: $129,482

Future Contract Status: Unrestricted Free Agent

Summary: Ayres was signed to a 10 day contract on January 23 following the infamous Blake Griffin punching incident. He got another 10 day contract immediately after, but wasn't signed for the rest of the season until mid-March (Alex Stepheson had a couple 10 days in between).