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NFL Bets: The Degenerate Gambler’s picks in the Windy City

Related Topics: degeneracy, Los Angeles Chargers

Dear friends, Boltfans, countryfolk— you don’t need me to recount what a gut-wrenching debacle last week was. The Chargers had the game—THEY HAD THE GAME—and then they didn’t.

But that doesn’t mean that shrewd betting was a loss, either! And, in the case of our poor friend, the Degenerate Gambler, semi-logical bets can still take the day.

Our ne’r-do-well bettor puts $100 on the line each week the Chargers play, and each week he wears his fingernails down wondering if he has to change his name and flee his creditors.

We know that he has been less than sure about the Chargers’ identity lately, so how did he do against the Titans?